
发布日期:2018-07-10 16:52 本文摘要:工作太累了,做这14件事舒缓一下(下)6. Research upcoming industry conferences6. 研究即将举行的行业会议 Grow your network and industry know-how at a conference.在一个会议上拓宽你的交际网与行业知识。 When you get back to work, youll likely b

  工作太累了,做这14件事舒缓一下(下)6. Research upcoming industry conferences6. 研究即将举行的行业会议

  Grow your network and industry know-how at a conference.在一个会议上拓宽你的交际网与行业知识。

  When you get back to work, youll likely be motivated to implement your new knowledge and share what youve learned with your coworkers.当你重新开始工作的时候,你很可能会有动力去实现你的新知识,和你的同事分享你学到的东西。

  7. Learn a new skill7. 学习新技能

  If your company doesnt have the money to send you to a conference, learn from your desk with an online course or by reaching out to a coworker whos savvy with computers, languages, or other topics.如果你的公司没有钱送你去参加一个会议,你可以通过在线课程或向一位精通电脑、语言或其他话题的同事学习。

  Taking a break for a new task will reduce fatigue and boredom with your typical to-do list, according to Make magazine writer Saul Griffith.根据杂志作家索尔·格里菲思的说法,为一项新任务而休息一下,可以减少你典型的待办事项清单上的疲劳和无聊。

  8. Ask your boss or coworkers how you can help8. 问问你的老板或同事你能帮上什么忙。

  You might be dozing off, but your boss is probably super-stressed.你可能在打瞌睡,但你的老板可能压力太大了。

  Asking your boss how you can help out is an ideal way to impress him or her, while adding some more projects to your day.询问你的老板,你能如何帮助他,这是一个给他或她留下深刻印象的理想方法,同时还可以为自己增加一些项目。

  You can also offer help to your coworkers.你也可以向你的同事提供帮助。

  If youre caught up, let your peers know that you would be glad to assist them, too, Taylor said. Your reputation as a team player will quickly spread, just make sure youre being genuine about it and not taking on more than you can handle.“如果你被难倒了,让你的同伴知道你也会乐意帮助他们,”泰勒说。“你作为一个团队球员的声誉很快就会传播开来,只是要确保你是真心实意的,不要超过你所能承受的范围。”

  9. Join the company kickball team — or start it yourself9. 加入公司的足球团队——或者由你自己来开始。

  Meet colleagues outside of your team and get some exercise by helping form a company kickball, soccer, or softball team.与你的团队以外的同事见面,通过帮助他们组建一个公司踢球、足球或垒球队来进行一些锻炼。

  10. Set challenging goals10. 设定具有挑战性的目标

  Create goals that are specific and challenging, seminal goal-setting theorist Edwin Locke advises.理论家埃德温·洛克建议,创造目标应该是明确的,具有挑战性的,具有开创性的目标的。

  When goals are specific and hard, the higher the commitment, the better the performance, Locke, professor emeritus of the University of Maryland, wrote in a research paper.“当目标明确而艰难时,承诺越高,表现就越好,”马里兰大学名誉教授洛克在一篇研究论文中写道。

  Specific benchmarks and a way to reach them will boost your motivation. And youll be all the more satisfied once you accomplish those goals, according to Locke.具体的准线和达成目标的方法将会提升你的动力。洛克说,一旦你完成了这些目标,你就会更加满意。

  11. Connect with old contacts11. 联系旧联系人

  If things are slow at work, grab coffee or lunch with some people you havent seen in a while. Its a great way to maintain your network and keep plugged into industry news and happenings.如果工作进展缓慢,那就和一些你好久没见过的人一起喝杯咖啡或吃顿午餐。这是维护你的人际网络,并随时关注行业新闻和事件的好方法。

  Or make new connections with folks who have your dream job with this email format.或者和那些拥有你理想工作的人建立新的联系。

  12. Listen to music12. 听音乐

  Listen to music for 10 to 15 minutes before you tackle your to-do list, Daniel Levitin, a cognitive neuroscientist and the author of This is Your Brain on Music told Business Insiders Shana Lebowitz.听一听音乐10到15分钟,然后你就会开始处理你的任务清单,丹尼尔·莱维因,一位认知神经学家,《这是你的大脑在音乐》一书的作者告诉业内者网的记者莎娜·勒博维茨。

  When you listen to music, your brain releases dopamine and possibly serotonin. Both of these neurotransmitters elevate your mood.当你听音乐的时候,你的大脑会释放多巴胺和5 -羟色胺。这两种神经递质都能提升你的情绪。

  If youre doing repetitive or monotonous tasks, like paperwork, you can listen while you work. But avoid doing focused work and listening to music at the same time — youll get distracted.如果你在做重复性或单调的工作,比如文书工作,你可以一边工作一边听。但是不要同时专注于工作和听音乐——你会分心的。

  13. Clean up13. 清理一番

  Interior designers told Business Insider that a less-cluttered desk enables you to feel less scattered.室内设计师告诉业内者网的编辑,一个不那么凌乱的办公桌能让你感觉不那么分散。

  Neatening up your office area could be a good way to pass the time, and your coworkers will thank you for making the work area a little more pleasant.整理你的办公区域可能是打发时间的好方法,你的同事会感谢你让工作区域变得更愉快。

  14. Befriend your coworkers14. 和你的同事成为朋友

  Take a few minutes from the drudgery to build a rapport with your favorite colleagues. If you like your coworkers, youll feel more motivated to do a good job at work.从枯燥的工作中抽出几分钟时间,与你最喜欢的同事建立融洽的关系。如果你喜欢你的同事,你会更有动力去做好工作。

  Good workplace relationships are one of the most important sources of workplace happiness, Alexander Kjerulf, an international author and speaker on happiness at work, told Forbes. We know that people who are happy at work are more productive, more creative and more successful overall. “良好的职场关系是职场幸福的最重要来源之一,”国际作家兼《工作幸福》的发言人亚历山大·克杰鲁夫在接受《福布斯》采访时表示。“我们知道,那些在工作中感到快乐的人更有工作动力、更有创造力、更成功。”