
发布日期:2018-07-10 13:08 本文摘要:Do you ever think to yourself, It must be nice, when you hear about the glamorous lives and million-dollar deals of top business leaders like Richard Branson and Bill Gates? Well, as nice as their lives may be, being nice has very little t

  Do you ever think to yourself, It must be nice, when you hear about the glamorous lives and million-dollar deals of top business leaders like Richard Branson and Bill Gates? Well, as nice as their lives may be, being nice has very little to do with this level of success — as youll see in a moment as six people who become millionaires by age 30 reveal their keys to success.当你听到理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)和比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)等顶级商业领袖的奢华生活和数百万美元的交易时,你会不会对自己说“这一定很美好”?好吧,就像他们的生活一样美好,友善与成功没有什么关系——你马上就会看到,在30岁之前成为百万富翁的6个人揭示了他们成功的关键。

   1. Richard Branson says to dream big.1. 理查德·布兰森:“要有远大的梦想。”

  Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson made his first $1 million at age 23 in 1973; by age 41, he was a billionaire.维珍集团创始人,理查德·布兰森爵士于1973年赚取了他的第一次100万美元;41岁时,他成了亿万富翁。

  In a 2017 blog post, the British business magnate wrote that dreaming big is essential for success: Dont betray your dreams for the sake of fitting in. Dreaming is one of humanitys greatest gifts—it champions aspiration, spurs innovation, leads to change, and propels the world forward. We should all dream, and encourage others to do so too. In a world without dreams, there would be no art, no adventure, no moon landing, no female CEOs, and no civil rights. What a half-lived and tragic existence we would have.在2017年的一篇博客文章中,这位英国商业大亨写道,梦想远大对成功至关重要:“不要为了融入圈子而背叛自己的梦想。”梦想是人类最伟大的天赋之一——它支持抱负、激励创新、引领变革、推动世界前进。我们都应该有梦想,鼓励别人也这样做。在一个没有梦想的世界里,没有艺术,没有冒险,没有登月,没有女总裁,没有民权。我们会有一个半死不活的悲惨生活。”

   2. Mark Zuckerberg believes in making big bets.2. 马克·扎克伯格:“要下大赌注。”

  Mark Zuckerberg changed the way we communicate with Facebook, and as co-founder and CEO of the social media platform, he became a millionaire at age 22 in 2006. By 23, he was a billionaire.马克·扎克伯格改变了我们与Facebook的沟通方式,作为社交媒体平台的联合创始人和首席执行官,6位百万富翁:30岁前成功的秘诀他在2006年22岁时成为百万富翁。23岁时,他成了亿万富翁。

  In a 2016 Facebook post discussing the 10th anniversary of the platforms News Feed — and initial resistance to the feature — Zuckerberg lauded his teams willingness to take risks: One of the things Im most proud of about Facebook is that we believe things can always be better, and were willing to make big bets if we think it will help our community over the long term. News Feed has been one of the big bets weve made in the past 10 years that has shaped our community and the whole internet the most.在2016年的一篇谈论News Feed栏目10周年庆典(以及它的初始抗衡特征)的Facebook帖子中,扎克伯格称赞他的团队承担风险的意愿:“我最自豪的一件关于Facebook的事,是我们相信事情总是可以更好,如果我们相信这能长期帮助我们的社区,我们愿意做出大的赌注。在过去的10年里,新闻推送一直是我们最大的赌注之一,它影响了我们的社区和整个互联网。

   3. Bill Gates values simple solutions.3. 比尔·盖茨:“重视简单的解决方案。”

  Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates hit the millionaire mark in 1981 at age 26, and he became a billionaire by 31.1981年,微软联合创始人比尔·盖茨26岁就成为了百万富翁,31岁时成为亿万富翁。

  In a 2007 commencement address at Harvard, Gates discussed how complexity stands in the way of solutions: The barrier to change is not too little caring; it is too much complexity. To turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, see a solution, and see the impact. But complexity blocks all three steps. … If we have clear and proven answers anytime an organization or individual asks, How can I help?, then we can get action and we can make sure that none of the caring in the world is wasted.在2007年哈佛大学的毕业典礼演讲中,盖茨讨论了复杂性是如何阻碍解决方案的:“改变的障碍有不少关心;因为这太复杂了。要把关心变成行动,我们需要看到问题,看到解决方案,看到影响。但复杂性阻碍了这三个步骤。如果我们有清晰而可靠的答案,当任何组织或个人问“我能帮什么忙? ”,然后我们就能采取行动,确保世界上所有的关爱都不会被浪费。

   4. Sara Blakely believes failure produces success.4. 沙拉·布莱克利:“失败会带来成功。”

  The founder of Spanx, Sara Blakely, was 29 when she became a millionaire in 2000. Just over a decade later, she joined the billionaires club at age 41 - becoming the youngest self-made female billionaire.Spanx公司创始人沙拉·布莱克利在2000年成为百万富翁,当时她只有29岁。十多年后,她41岁,加入了亿万富翁俱乐部,成为最年轻的白手起家的女亿万富翁。

  She is no stranger to failure and believes its essential to success, telling CNBC in 2013: My dad growing up encouraged me and my brother to fail … Its really allowed me to be much freer in trying things and spreading my wings in life.她对失败并不陌生,她相信这对成功至关重要。2013年,她在接受CNBC采访时表示:“我的父亲在成长过程中鼓励我和哥哥失败……这真的让我在尝试事物和在生活中大展拳脚时有了更大的自由度。”

   5. Warren Buffett swears by external performance measurement.5. 沃伦·巴菲特发誓:“要通过外部业绩衡量。”

  In 1960, the business magnate, investor, and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway became a millionaire at age 30. By age 56, he was a self-made billionaire.1960年,这位伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的商业巨头、投资者和首席执行官在30岁时成为百万富翁。56岁时,他是一个白手起家的亿万富翁。

  Its important to measure ones performance not just internally but externally, against the broader market, he told Inc: Whether we do a good job or a poor job is not to be measured by whether we are plus or minus for the year. It is instead to be measured against the general experience in securities as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average, leading investment companies, etc. If our record is better than that of these yardsticks, we consider it a good year whether we are plus or minus. If we do poorer, we deserve the tomatoes.衡量一个人的表现很重要,不仅要看他的内部表现,还要看他的外部表现,还要看他的整体市场。他对Inc .网站的编辑表示:“无论我们做得好还是不好,都不能用一年是盈亏来衡量。相反,我们应该用道琼斯工业平均指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average)、领先投资公司(leading investment company)等所衡量的证券的一般经验来衡量。如果我们的业绩更差,我们就应该吃西红柿。”

   6. Elon Musk says it all comes down to hard work.6. 埃隆·马斯克:“这一切都归结于努力工作。”

  Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and cofounder of PayPal and Tesla Motors, reached millionaire status at age 27 in 1999 and then billionaire status by age 41.  SpaceX公司创始人、贝宝(PayPal)和特斯拉(Tesla Motors)的联合创始人埃隆?马斯克在1999年,也就是他27岁时成为百万富翁,41岁时成为亿万富翁。

  During a 2014 commencement speech at the University of Southern California, Musk told students: I think the first is you need to work, depending upon how well you want to do and particularly if youre starting a company, you need to work super hard. So what does super hard mean? Well, when my brother and I were starting our first company instead of getting an apartment, we just rented a small office and we slept on the couch. We showered at the YMCA, and we were so hard up we had just one computer so the website was up during the day, and I was coding at night—seven days a week, all the time.在2014年南加州大学的毕业典礼演讲中,马斯克对学生们说:“我认为,首先你需要工作,这取决于你想要做得多好,尤其是如果你正在创办一家公司,你需要非常努力地工作。”那么超级努力是什么意思呢?嗯,当我和我的兄弟开始第一家公司而不是租房子的时候,我们租了一个小办公室,睡在沙发上。我们在基督教青年会洗澡,我们的生活非常艰难,我们只有一台电脑,所以网站在白天就上线了,而我每周都要在晚上写编码——每周7天,一直这样。”