
发布日期:2018-07-06 14:14 本文摘要:相信大多数同学都已经迎来了期待已久的寒假,不过英语专业的同学可不能放松哦,等下学期一开学,专八考试就近在眼前了,所以不如趁着寒假赶紧多复习复习,专八备考改错练习:美国人的朋友圈多做做题练练手,非英语专业的同学也可以来看看,说不定英语水平能




americans circle of close confidants has shrunk dramatically in the past two decades but the number of people who say they have no one with whom to discuss important matters has more than doubled, according to a new study by sociologists at duke university and the university of arizona. (1)____ the evidence shows that americans have more confidants and those ties are also more family-based than they are used to be, said lynn smith-lovin, professor of sociology at duke university and one of the studysauthors of social, isolation in america: changes in core discussion networks over two decades.(2)____(3)____the study compared data from 1985 to 2004 and found which the mean number of people with whom americans can discuss matters important to them dropped by nearly one-third, from 2.94 people in 1985 to 2.08 in 2004.(4)____ the study paints a picture of americans social contacts a densely connected, close, homogeneous set of ties slowly closing in on themselves, becoming smaller, more tightly interconnected, more focusing on the very strong bonds of the nuclear family.(5)____(6)____(7)____that means less contacts created through clubs, neighbors and organizations outside the home-a phenomenon popularly known as bowling lonely, from the 2000 book of the same title by robert d. putnam.(8)____(9)____ the researchers speculated that changes in communities and families, such as the increase in a number of hours that family members spend at work and the influence of internet communication, may contribute to the decrease in the size of close-knit circles of friends and relatives.(10)____


1.but→and语篇错误。由上下文的语义判断,句间的逻辑关系应为并列关系,上一句说到在过去的20年里,美国人的密友圈大幅度缩小,下一句提到超过一倍的人说没人和他们讨论重要问厝.二者在意义上属于并列关系,故此处应把表转折意义的but改为and。 2.more (confidant)→fewer语篇错误。前文已经提到美国人的密友围缩小,第二段用研究数据显示能和自己一起讨论重要问题的朋友减少了,可见美国人的知己减少了,而不是增多了,故此处应改为fewer。 3.are→are词汇错误。be used to表示“习惯于”,后接名词或动名词,used to表示“过去常常”,后接动词原形,此句要表达的意思是“和过去相比,现在美国人的朋友更倾向予以家庭关系为基础。”故此处用used to,符合上下文语义。 4.which→that或which→which划语法错误。此处是宾语从句,引导词在从句中不充当任何成分,故应该用从属连词that, 此处that也可以省略掉。 5.∧a→as词汇错误。paint...as意为“描述成……”,此句的意思是“该研究把美国人的社会交往描述为一种连接紧密的、封闭的、同类人的关系”。 6.themselves→itself语法错误。此赴指代的是set,故应改为单数形式itself。of ties表所属,用来修饰set,此处意为“关系”网。slowing closing in...为伴随状语对set进行补充说明。 7.focusing→focused词汇错误。此赴和前面的smaller, more tightly interconnected并列,作动词become的表语,故应该用形容词focused,意为“集中的”。 8.less→fewer词汇错误。less作为little的比较级,是用来修饰不可数名词,此处后接的contacts是可数名词复数形式,故应该用fewer。 9.lonely→alone语法错误。lonely是形容词,意为“孤独的,孤单的”,此处修饰动词bowling应该用副词,故要改为alone,表示“单独地,独自地”。 10.are→the词汇错误。a number of表示“许多”,the number of表示“……的数目”,此句要表达的是“家庭成员工作的小时数增加”,故应该用the number of。







