
发布日期:2018-06-30 18:11 本文摘要:2017年12月四级大纲新增词汇(七) 241. refreshment[rfremnt] n.①(pl.)茶点,点心和饮料 ②恢复精力 示例: Having not yet lunched, we went to the refreshment bar for ham sandwiches.我们都没吃午饭,于是便去小吃店买了火腿三明治。 242. renovate[r



241. refreshment [rɪfreʃmənt]


n.①(pl.)茶点,点心和饮料 ②恢复精力


✎ 示例:


Having not yet lunched, we went to the refreshment bar for ham sandwiches.我们都没吃午饭,于是便去小吃店买了火腿三明治。






242. renovate [renəveɪt]




✎ 示例:


The school master has accepted proposals to renovate the old schoolhouses.校长已经接受了翻新旧校舍的提议。






243. repay [rɪpeɪ]


vt.①归还 ②偿还


✎ 示例:


I can never repay you for your kindness.我永远也无法报答你的好意。






244. reside [rɪzaɪd]




✎ 示例:


The true face of Lushan is lost to my sight, for it is right in this mountain that I reside.不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。






245. ridicule [rɪdɪkjuːl]




✎ 示例:


I admired her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back.她能听任他们嘲笑却从不还击,这让我更加敬佩她。






246. romance [rəʊmæns]


n.①恋爱(关系) ②浪漫气氛


✎ 示例:


We want to recreate the romance and excitement that used to be part of rail journeys.我们想再度营造以前坐火车旅行的浪漫和兴奋。






247. runway [ˈrʌnweɪ]


n.①飞机跑道 ②T型台


✎ 示例:


As the aeroplane went down the runway the wing touched a pile of rubble.飞机降落沿跑道滑行的时候机翼擦到了一堆碎石。






248. scent [sent]


n.①香味 ②香水


✎ 示例:


I like the sweet scent of ripe fruit.我喜欢成熟水果那种甜甜的香味。






249. setback [ˈsetbæk]




✎ 示例:


Our business had a nasty setback.我们的业务遇到极大的挫折。






250. shit [ʃɪt]


n.①讨厌的家伙 ②粪便 ③(sing.)拉屎 ④废话int.(表示恼怒)胡说!


✎ 示例:


Youre in a world of shit! 你的麻烦大了!






251. shrimp [ʃrɪmp]


n.①小虾 ②矮小的人


✎ 示例:


They drifted on the lake, fishing and catching shrimp to get by. 他们漂泊湖上,以打鱼捕虾为生。






252. situate [ˈsɪtʃueɪt]


vt.①使坐落于 ②将……置于


✎ 示例:


The village is situated in a valley. 这个村子处于一山谷中。






253. skyline [skaɪlaɪn]




✎ 示例:


Chicago city has the most beautiful skyline in the world.芝加哥有世界上最美丽的城市天际线。






254. snack [snæk]




✎ 示例:


Today, chocolate can be a hot drink, a frozen dessert, or just a snack. 今天,巧克力可以是一种热饮,一种冰冻的饭后甜点,或者就只是一种小吃。






255. soar [sɔː]


vi.①猛增,剧增 ②高飞,升腾 ③高耸,屹立 ④(情绪、期望等)高涨


✎ 示例:


If the birds have not flown for three years, they will soar into the clouds. If they have not sung for three years, their songs will take everyone by surprise. 三年不蜚,蜚将冲天;三年不鸣,鸣将惊人。






256. sparkle [spɑːkl]


vi.①闪耀,发光 ②(眼睛)发亮


✎ 示例:


She sparkled as a performer.她作为一名演员才华出众。






257. staircase [steəkeɪs]








258. staple [ steɪpl]


n.①订书钉 ②主食


✎ 示例:


The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their staple diet.中国人也把一种面食作为他们的主食之一。






259. statute [stætʃuːt]




✎ 示例:


The new statute covers the care for, bringing up and protection of children.新法令涵盖了儿童保育、养育和保护的相关内容。






260. stool [stuːl]


n.①凳子 ②大便,粪便


✎ 示例:


The stool had a torn, red plastic seat. 那个凳子的红色塑料座面已经破旧不堪。






261. strive [straɪv]




✎ 示例:


As far as quality is concerned, we must not make do with what we have, but must constantly strive for excellence.在质量方面,不能将就,要精益求精。